I’m sorry for asking this, but did people only front page this because of the tits?
While voice acting is good, there’s greater animations out there that people have spent more time putting effort in time into.
No, I’m not bashing this, it’s just that there could’ve really been more better details or really any shots, interesting things that could’ve happen.
The art style is very cute, along with the anatomy. Background gives off a homely aura that feel cosy, just comfortably.
But... honestly? I don’t think this really deserves front page. I believe it deserve attention to draw in incomers who could love the animation, but... after seeing that other animation where it’s literally 4 seconds of this lady jiggling her boobies? Thot begone.
There are multiple animations out there that could’ve been front page, such as some collabs (organizing one is not easy considering the deadlines and turning in an animation on time without any sort of delay), or at least an solo project.
Like I said, the art is superb. Love how the flesh feels real, you could see the mass resisting against your hand if you push back. But... please, do practice on animating. Make it fluid, you’re making movement, not frame by frame art.
Just a suggestion.
Also. Animation made for a friend? Why didn’t you add that in the description? Welcome to the website, we’ll give critics and “amazon” reviews to give feedback on what we think. Not to mention, if this was a gift for a friend, then it’s almost depressing for this to even be front page for a tiny video. Being made for fun or not, we would’ve never know without any full details in the description.